Omaha Birth & Babies Podcast
Shannon and Andrea are the co-owners of Omaha Birth & Babies, a thriving doula agency in the Midwest. They have been working with families during pregnancy, birth and postpartum since 2015. Together, with some amazing guests, they provide educational content for expecting parents and newborn families. Their desire is to provide the support and resources to help parents go from surviving to thriving.
Omaha Birth & Babies Podcast
VBAC Talk with Mid City Midwife Amanda Lura
Omaha Birth & Babies
Season 1
Episode 2
VBAC or Vaginal Birth After a Cesarean is still very unknown and not really too common for mothers that have had a C-section birth for one or two of their children. During this podcast we talk, what are VBAC, TOLACS, risks, benefits, statistics, birth stores and more with Mid City Midwife Amanda Lura. She is a two time cesarean mother herself and huge advocate for giving mothers the freedom and confidence to TOLAC (Try to labor to achieve your Vaginal Birth after a previous cesarean birth) if they desire. If you have ever thought about or desire a VBAC you absolutely need to listen to this podcast.